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Artist Statement

I am driven to search for what connects two forms of expression, whether it is myth and reality, or pop culture and tradition. This way multiple subjective experiences of landscape, pattern, and identity interlace to form a narrative. Playing with focus and layers of imagery I endeavor to capture a form of storytelling, the sole purpose of which is to link fractured viewpoints and create a new whole. 

My work reflects my Iraqi Jewish heritage through mixed media, photography, video, and textiles in which I survey the intersections of Middle Eastern and Western aesthetics by examining and questioning conceptions of home and belonging within a postcolonial lens. Through the dreamlike experience of the work, concepts of collective memory are examined, such as the personal significance of objects, and the mythology attached to the family archive. Migration, history, and the search for home are all explored, aiming to uncover a greater understanding of my own sense of identity and belonging, providing unique insight into the complex and delicate relationship between people, their heritage, and the world around them.